Hello or « A fon a » in Fon language!
The Tour of Africa continued in Cotonou the week of January 13 to 19, 2020. The team of the African Dream invites you to discover the story of the 2nd stage.
> #TOURISM: "Little Chilli Pepper" in Benin
Three formats are available: a Podcast (Audio), an e-Mag (Text/photos) or a Mix format (Video/audio/text).
In this podcast: "Little Chilli pepper" shares her touristic experience + Testimonies: moving to Cotonou, Martina tells about it.
Link : e-Mag
PODCAST #2 Tour of Africa - Benin special. (Only in French)
Mix (Only in French)
> #HISTORY: History of Benin before 1800
Narrated by Jules Logossou, a student, co-author of the book "A Study of the History of Danhome".
We wish to thank Mr. Yede Ulrich for facilitating the organization of the capture.
> #ART #DIGITALISATION of artistic projects
One artist has benefited from the day of digitalisation in Cotonou to make photos shooting
Cyrus Orfin d'Hyzo, a plastic artist:
Follow the new chanel opened for the 10th edition of the Afro Pepites Show: Youtube/AfroPepiteShow
> #ART #INTERVIEW Portrait of Benin
The plastic artist Marcel Kpoho will talk to us about his tire creations. Online release in 2021 Youtube/AfricaTour
> #CONFERENCE Newspaper clippings
Thanks to Alli Wassi of SICA, Eric Azanney of Awalé Afriki, Edwige Klutse TV & radio host, to Emmanuel Tognidaho Tometin of DekartCom, Matthieu of CAFRIM, to the photographer Touvnel ATIYE and the newspaper "Le potentiel", for having relayed information via their network.
See photo on our Instagram page.
> #MASTERCLASS "Culture applied to the Digital"
Animated by Lætitia Normand
Hosted by Artisttik Africa in Cotonou, Mr. Arcade Assogba, Executive Director.
Participants: Fifteen
See more photo on our Instagram page

An event made possible thanks to:
Artistikk Africa cultural center : ww.artisttikafrica.com
Novotel Orisha Hotel : www.facebook.com/NovotelCotonouOrisha
Awalé Afriki : www.awaleafriki.com
UNESCO : www.fr.unesco.org
Europe-Afrique Committee: www.europe-afrique.org
Thank you Nadjat Eyraud, my energetic coach,
Thank you Ulrich Yede for the connection with the historian,
Thank you Mr Sébastien Yves-Ménager National Director of SOBEBRA for hosting in Benin and for facilitating the partnership with Novotel,
Thank you General Gbian and Mr Martin for their welcome! What a poetry!
In tribute to late Pr Kiflé Sélassié Béséat
> If you liked it, let us know!
The price of the e-Mag is free!
We have opened a donation page: Click here
> What’s next?
It is to Lomé, Togo, that the Tour of Africa went next.
Contact us:
Sponsors, Partners: africatour@lereveafricain.com
Join us:
- Call for application "Projects Managers"
- Call for application "Historians"
- Call for application "Artists, cultural actors, digital actors and students"
Follow us:
Afro Pepites Show: www.afropepiteshow.com / Facebook / Youtube / Twitter
Feel free to share the blog! Do not hesitate to leave us your comments, tell your story in Nigeria... #TheAfricanDream
Enjoy the cultural trip!
A Wa Nu Kaka! (Fon language) / Thank you very much!
Long life to Benin « the cradle of Voodoo »!
By Lætitia Normand aka « Little chilli pepper »
For The African Dream
PS : The Tour of Africa will continue after the lockdown! #Covid19, as soon as we can travel internationally again!