Hello everybody !
We invite you to discover the result of our week organised in Ouagadougou from 3rd until 10th April, 2019, as part of the test phase of the Tour of Africa.
Confidences from Burkina Faso
The Teaser starts with birds and ambient sound of Ouagadougou. The confidences of Warren Saré, photographer and Boukaré Bonkoungou, sculptor. Follow The Tour of Africa on Youtube/AfricaTour
Podcast version:
Podcast #0 Tour of Africa (Tourism)
In this podcast, "Petit piment" (« little chily pepper ») will share with you her state of mind during her trip and her touristic experience: climate, transportation, accommodation, food, visits, social life... (In English version: Read here)
30 artistic projects
Discover the musicians, photographers, painters, sculptor, humorist, story-teller, street artists from Burking Faso who registered to the 10th edition of the Afro Pepites Show. > More
Acoustic sessions
The videos are shared by some psychedelic mode Burkinabe.. Two artistic projects were digitalized. One story-teller and a singer. Follow the Afro Pepites Show 10th on Youtube/AfroPepiteShow
Pictures of artists
5 artists benefited from the da on Digital at the Goethe Institut to take pictures of themselves and 2 artists were interviewed.
See all the images on Instagram/The.African.Dream.
> Touristic Photo
We were not able to visit Burkina Faso. There are no touristic photos.
> Press kit
The representative is symbolized by a mask from Burkina Faso called « Bwa ». Thank to all : (TV) L’apéro RTB / JT Canal 3 (Media online) Burkina 24 / Afriyelba / Infos culture du Faso / Sciences infos culture / Faso.net / L'express du Faso / (Written press) Evasion N°1174 from 12 to 18 April 2019 (Radio) Infos culture du Faso / Horizon fm (Radio) / Pulsar fm / RTB / Savane Fm and Ouaga show time.
See all the pictures on Instagram/The.African.Dream
> Pro Day "Culture applied to Digital"
Guests: We had the honour to welcome the introductory speech by Mr Alphonse Tougouma, Director General of the “Fonds de développement culturel et touristique” (FDCT) within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Burkina Faso and the participation of Mr Yannick Sankara, CEO of AfriYelba who shared with us his experience with the Digital,
Moderated by Mr. Issouf Balima,
Coordinated by Mr. Ousmane Danem,
Presented by Lætitia Normand,
Hosted by the Goethe Institut, Mrs Christgau and her technical team François d'Assise Ouedraougo.
Filling: 21 participants.
Satisfaction: We are pleased to provide you with the results of the satisfaction questionnaire of the “pro day” on the theme of "Culture applied to the Digital".
> Result
A confidential report was distributed to the actors of the test phase.
This test was a good exercise to assess where to bring improvements before the launch of the Tour of Africa in 54 weeks. Our objectives were all met except the touristic part. We will share the results of the satisfaction questionnaire from the day with professionals on the theme « culture applied to Digital ».
An event made possible thanks to

> Mr Apollinaire Baghnian, the Ambassador of Burkina Faso to France, as well as Mr Traoré Ousmane of the Consulate of Burkina Faso in France who granted us a one-year courtesy visa,
> Mr Dominique Prévost of Only French who contributed financially to the project (300€), lent some recording material and shared valuable advice
> Mrs Carolin Christgau from the Goethe Institute who offered the possibility to the artists to follow our action for free during these 3 days and made available her technical staff Mr François Ouedraougo,
> Mr. Alphonse Tougouma Director of the "Fonds de développement Culturel et Touristique" within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Burkina Faso, which has granted us a budget of 200,000 CFA
> Mr. Ousmane Danem of Culture and Decentralization our organizer and representative in Ouagadougou,
> Professor Kiflé Sélassié Béséat, Mr Jaques-Elie Chabert and Annick Gouba, our partners from PARI (Pan-African Applied Research Initiative) on the overall development of the project.
What’s next?
We are almost done with seducing more partners and we will inform you of the planning of the Tour of Africa in 54 weeks. We invite all the travelers interested in visiting the continent or all the volunteers with skills in video / photo capture to join us in the country they wish. The planning will be posted as soon as possible before October 2019.
Enjoy this cultural trip
Do not hesitate to share with us your comments.
Barka / Merci / Danke !
Long live Burkina Faso, "the country of Honest Men" !
The African Dream team
To contact us
Sponsors, Partners: africatour@lereveafricain.com
You are a cultural operator and you wish to be our local Ambassador, during the Tour of Africa: please fill out the form: Questionnaire survey
Follow us
Afro Pepites Show: www.afropepiteshow.com / Facebook / Youtube / Twitter